
4 ways to discover your potential and increase your self-confidence

Man and woman sitting, Couple smilling, The Benitalk

In this article, I will discuss four quick ways that will help you learn more about yourself and inherently increase your self-esteem and self-confidence. I’m fully aware that this is a subjective topic. So, I will try and be as unbiased as I can, and jump straight to the point. The content is based on my personal experience.

Note that you will never know who you are if you continue following whatever everyone says about you and never give an ear to your inner voice. Sometimes, you want to respond to what people say about you before learning what you want for yourself. Some other times, you want to please people around you before learning to please yourself – trying to give people what you cannot give to yourself. This is usually because humans tend to focus more on the external than the internal, leaving very little time to appreciating our natural capabilities; which leads to low self-esteem. On that note, below are four simple ways you may want to use to discover more about your personality, just like I do.☺

1. Never ignore your inner-voice

Do not be the blind pigeon that blindly follows the flock. Some people near you are straight-up dumb! They are so comfortable to a point where, even when they have a different point of view, they never bring it out. Never let people’s opinions hinder you from listening to your inner voice. If you know what you have in mind is right, speak it out loud. You would be surprised how many problems you could solve with your boldness. So, do you feel like increasing your self-confidence by actually listening to your inner voice, yet?

2. Learn to do more things on your own

Many people are so dependent on others that they no longer think on their own. They believe more in others than they do in themselves! Before asking, first, give yourself some time to search for ways to accomplish the task on your own. Outsourcing should not be the first thing to come to your mind when faced with a challenge. Why? – you may ask. Well, it’s because it limits your thinking capacity and decreases your levels of creativity. In the long run, you will lose track of your natural talents. We both know that you don’t want that.

3. Assess your core values

This might be one of the most confusing to do, but always remember that your values define you. It’s crucial to assess your values to guide your decision-making process. Knowing your values boils down to simply knowing yourself. After you have identified your values, make a list (in your head preferably), then pinpoint the most suitable for every situation. From there, always ensure that everything you do aligns with those values.

4. Get the external view

Getting people’s views of you should be the last stage while doing self-study. Some may jump into asking others what they think without analyzing what they think of themselves – most of the time it’s unhealthy since what you hear from people is rarely what you want to hear! Yes, “it is always good to know what others think. But it is better to keep as last resort”. From all that, you still need to filter nonsense from valuable advice.

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